Wirecard AG: Lessons Learned (webinar recap)
We recently sat down with Richard Sbaschnig, CFA, VP of Financials & Financial Technology Forensic Research from CFRA Research to discuss his forensic accounting analysis of the Wirecard scandal.
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We recently sat down with Richard Sbaschnig, CFA, VP of Financials & Financial Technology Forensic Research from CFRA Research to discuss his forensic accounting analysis of the Wirecard scandal.
Quarterly calls by publicly traded companies are usually relatively staid affairs, with corporate executives delivering carefully prepared remarks and answering highly detailed questions by their Wall Street coverage analysts. So when we released our white paper on the increase in expletives on conference calls earlier this year, it caused somewhat of a sensation in the…
2020 has been unprecedented (so unprecedented, in fact, that the media arm of our legacy terminal competitor used our stats for the surge in the word “unprecedented”). We went into the holiday shopping season knowing that there will be surprises: back in September, we did some work for our friends in the Financial Times, showing…
With Airbnb boosting the pricing range for its hotly anticipated IPO this week, we decided to take a look at how Wall Street sees the broader travel recovery. For a more in-depth “how to” start your work on the Airbnb IPO, see how we redlined the original S-1 even though some might think that there…
Investors have always looked for an edge — usually in the form of more and faster information — in order to make better investment decisions. And the industry has responded, creating the $27 billion financial information market we know today. The industry has delivered a complete firehose in the forms of financial data terminals, data…
Over the past few weeks we’ve been covering investable themes for both the Biden and Trump campaigns. So far, we’ve discussed higher education, police funding and cannabis decriminalization. Today, we’ll look at private prisons. While President Trump does not directly address the use of private prisons by various federal, state, and local agencies, his opponent,…
We recently launched our U.S. Election 2020 dashboard and reports: Six Stocks and One ETF for a Biden Presidency and Six Stocks and One ETF for a Trump Second Term. In the last couple of weeks we gave an overview of how we identified the core themes and stock ideas for each campaign and provided…
Two weeks ago in Forbes Magazine, we made the supposition that the current “femcession” will worsen in September due to the combination of “return to the office” pressure, and the lack of normal schools (and after-schools) in many districts, including the five largest nationally, will worsen what is already a difficult recession for women, the…
The 2020 election is heating up and the outcome of the presidential race will likely have an impact on public equities. In the lead up to the first presidential debate this week, we spent a lot of time reading through the platforms of the candidates, both the extensive Biden-Harris platform and the far less extensive…
There is no doubt that the pandemic and its impact on the economy, business performance, and society has created new reporting challenges for companies in the Software sector. In the runup to Q2 2020 earnings, our team tracked signals to identify trends. What they came away with were four critical topics Software analysts should be…
For the next few days, we will review Q1 calls across a variety of industries using our machine learning and natural language call transcript application, Smart SummaryTM. Today we will focus on UPS. We released the first version of Smart Summary last July to rave reviews. This was followed up by an in-depth expansion of many of the machine learning…
Sentieo’s AI-driven Document Search solution is now available for RSS Feeds. Whether you are looking to save time by consolidating all of your important content in one place or trying to identify unique insights by searching more specialized sources, RSS Feeds are a great way to customize and round out your Sentieo content. Use Sentieo’s…